Automated cost-effective test strategies are needed to provide reliable, secure, and usable web applications. As a software maintainer updates an application, test cases must accu...
Sara Sprenkle, Sreedevi Sampath, Emily Gibson, Lor...
—During the evolution of a software system, a large amount of information, which is not always directly related to the source code, is produced. Several researchers have provided...
Alberto Bacchelli, Marco D'Ambros, Michele Lanza, ...
Wireless sensor network (WSN) applications sense events in-situ and compute results in-network. Their software components should run on platforms with stringent constraints on nod...
Separating the description of important aspects of a design such as behavior and architecture, or computation and communication, may yield significant advantages in design time as...
Guang Yang 0004, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentell...
The design and development of a complex system as well as the simulation of its dynamic behavior are usually involved in multidisciplinary field knowledge. HLA-based collaborative ...