This paper describes an algorithm that allows Linux to perform multilevel load balancing in NUMA computers. The Linux scheduler implements a load balancing algorithm that uses str...
With the emergence of the World Wide Web, analyzing and improving Web communication has become essential to adapt the Web content to the visitors’ expectations. Web communicatio...
Intrusion or misbehaviour detection systems are an important and widely accepted security tool in computer and wireless sensor networks. Their aim is to detect misbehaving or faul...
We consider the following full-text search autocompletion feature. Imagine a user of a search engine typing a query. Then with every letter being typed, we would like an instant d...
Sculptural reliefs are widely used in various industries for purposes such as applying brands to packaging and decorating porcelain. In order to easily apply reliefs to CAD models...
Shenglan Liu, Ralph R. Martin, Frank C. Langbein, ...