—A random testing strategy can be effective at finding faults, but may leave some routines entirely untested if it never gets to call them on objects satisfying their preconditi...
Yi Wei, Serge Gebhardt, Bertrand Meyer, Manuel Ori...
The C-17 Airdrop Model provides the Air Force and Army test and evaluation community with the capability to (i) assess the risk of vortex encounters, and (ii) predict ground dispe...
T. Glenn Bailey, Jose C. Belano III, Philip S. Ber...
Object relationships in modern software systems are becoming increasingly numerous and complex. Programmers who try to find violations of such relationships need new tools that al...
Testing with random inputs can give surprisingly good results if the distribution of inputs is spread out evenly over the input domain; this is the intuition behind Adaptive Rando...
Ilinca Ciupa, Andreas Leitner, Manuel Oriol, Bertr...
The goal of this paper is to obtain a one-to-one correspondence between state machines as e.g. used in UML and object-oriented programming languages. A proposal is made for a lang...