Auditing a web site’s content is an arduous task. For any given page on a web server, system administrators are often ill-equipped to determine who created the document, why itâ...
Abstract—A private BitTorrent site (also known as a “BitTorrent darknet”) is a collection of torrents that can only be accessed by members of the darknet community. The priva...
Chao Zhang, Prithula Dhungel, Di Wu, Zhengye Liu, ...
Public-key cryptography can uniquely enable trust within distributed settings. Employing it usually requires deploying a set of tools and services collectively known as a public k...
—Evaluation of network security is an essential step in securing any network. This evaluation can help security professionals in making optimal decisions about how to design secu...
Context scenarios are widely used for assessing the robustness of strategies and policies in both the private and the public sector. Royal Dutch Shell, for instance, has become re...