The CALO Meeting Assistant is a multimodal meeting assistant technology that integrates speech, gestures, and multimodal data collected from multiparty interactions during meetings...
Abstract-The CALO Meeting Assistant (MA) provides for distributed meeting capture, annotation, automatic transcription and semantic analysis of multiparty meetings, and is part of ...
We will demonstrate distributed conflict resolution in the context of personalized meeting scheduling. The demonstration will show how distributed constraint optimization can be u...
Pauline M. Berry, Cory Albright, Emma Bowring, Ken...
We report on our ongoing practical experience in designing, implementing, and deploying PTIME, a personalized agent for time management and meeting scheduling in an open, multi-ag...
Pauline Berry, Bart Peintner, Ken Conley, Melinda ...
The CALO desktop assistant aims to provide assistance through many AI technologies, including several techniques for learning to perform tasks. Based on our experiences implementi...