of the Reliant Telco Platform, K. Wiesneth Safety-oriented INTERBUS INTERBUS Safety-, K. Meyer-Graefe Developing a Binding Process for Automated Program Recognition and Fault Local...
In this paper, we report on an application of the validation and veri cation tool kit Uppaal in the design and analysis of a prototype gear controller, carried out in a joint proje...
To cope with the increasing difference between processor and main memory speeds, modern computer systems use deep memory hierarchies. In the presence of such hierarchies, the perf...
Margaret Martonosi, Anoop Gupta, Thomas E. Anderso...
Dynamic loading of software components (e.g., libraries or modules) is a widely used mechanism for improved system modularity and flexibility. Correct component resolution is cri...
The polyhedral model is known to be a powerful framework to reason about high level loop transformations. Recent developments in optimizing compilers broke some generally accepted ...