The primary goal of the Semantic Web is to use URIs as a universal space to name anything, expanding from using URIs for webpages to URIs for “real objects and imaginary concepts...
We present the Priority R-tree, or PR-tree, which is the first R-tree variant that always answers a window query using O((N/B)1-1/d + T/B) I/Os, where N is the number of ddimensio...
Lars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Ke Y...
Given a rectangular boundary partitioned into rectangles, the Minimum-Length Corridor (MLC-R) problem consists of finding a corridor of least total length. A corridor is a set of ...
We present a novel object-specific segmentation method which can be used in view-based object recognition systems. Previous object segmentation approaches generate inexact results ...
Minsu Cho (Seoul National University), Kyoung Mu L...
: Virtual Enterprises are an emerging model for the organization of innovative enterprises. They are characterized by brief relationships and geographical dispersion of members. E-...