: This paper allots creativity a central role in enabling human beings to develop beyond the undertaking and/or fulfilment of simple primary functions. This contention is significa...
In this paper we describe a design-orientated field study in which we deploy a novel digital display device to explore the potential integration of teenage and family photo displa...
Abigail Durrant, Alex S. Taylor, David M. Frohlich...
Abstract. Current applications for wayfinding and navigation assistance usually calculate the route to a destination based on the shortest or fastest path from the origin. However...
After a stroke or brain injury, it may be more difficult to understand language and communicate with others. Speechlanguage therapy may help an individual regain language and cope...
Biomarker discovery for complex diseases is a challenging problem. Most of the existing approaches identify individual genes as disease markers, thereby missing the interactions a...
Rohit Gupta, Smita Agrawal, Navneet Rao, Ze Tian, ...