Enforcing protection of medical content becomes a major issue of computer security. Since medical contents are more and more widely distributed, it is necessary to develop security...
We describe and analyze a new digital signature scheme. The new scheme is quite efficient, does not require the the signer to maintain any state, and can be proven secure against ...
In 1990, Boyar, Chaum, Damg˚ard and Pedersen introduced convertible undeniable signatures which limit the self-authenticating property of digital signatures but can be converted b...
The Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform is a popular tool to produce particularly efficient digital signature schemes out of identification protocols. It is known that the resulting signat...
: In Crypto 1997, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Halevi (GGH) proposed a lattice analogue of McEliece public key cryptosystem, in which security is related to the hardness of approximat...
Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo, Khin Than Win, Qion...