In floating-point datapaths synthesized on FPGAs, the shifters that perform mantissa alignment and normalization consume a disproportionate number of LUTs. Shifters are implemente...
Yehdhih Ould Mohammed Moctar, Nithin George, Hadi ...
The reliability of future processors is threatened by decreasing transistor robustness. Current architectures focus on delivering high performance at low cost; lifetime device rel...
Andrea Pellegrini, Joseph L. Greathouse, Valeria B...
For most Web-based applications, contents are created dynamically based on the current state of a business, such as product prices and inventory, stored in database systems. These...
Web applications typically interact with a back-end database to retrieve persistent data and then present the data to the user as dynamically generated output, such as HTML web pa...
Abstract. Control systems for electrical microgrids rely ever more on heterogeneous off-the-shelf technology for hardware, software and networking among the intelligent electronic ...