The wide availability of commodity graphics processors has made real-time graphics an intrinsic component of the human/computer interface. These graphics cores accelerate the z-bu...
In today's industry, the design of software tests is mostly based on the testers' expertise, while test automation tools are limited to execution of pre-planned tests on...
Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) is a decidable logic that combines 1) Boolean algebra of sets of uninterpreted elements (BA) and 2) Presburger arithmetic (PA). BA...
CEL (Classifier for EL) is a reasoner for the small description logic EL+ which can be used to compute the subsumption hierarchy induced by EL+ ontologies. The most distinguishing ...
Franz Baader, Carsten Lutz, Boontawee Suntisrivara...
Proof assistants based on type theories, such as Coq and Lego, allow users to omit subterms on input that can be inferred automatically. While those mechanisms are well known, ad-h...