To fully exploit multicore processors, applications are expected to provide a large degree of thread-level parallelism. While adequate for low core counts and their typical worklo...
DEODHAR, SUSHAMNA DEODHAR. Using Grammatical Evolution Decision Trees for Detecting Gene-Gene Interactions in Genetic Epidemiology. (Under the direction of Dr. Alison Motsinger-Re...
The provision of rich multimedia services, such as Mobile TV, is considered of key importance for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) proliferation in mobile market. To this direction, ...
Antonios G. Alexiou, Christos Bouras, Vasileios Ko...
The programming and retasking of sensor nodes could benefit greatly from the use of a virtual machine (VM) since byte code is compact, can be loaded on demand, and interpreted on...
As high-end computing systems continue to grow in scale, the performance that applications can achieve on such large scale systems depends heavily on their ability to avoid explic...
Gopalakrishnan Santhanaraman, Pavan Balaji, K. Gop...