Broadcasting is a commonly used feature in wireless networking, e.g. for file distribution, re-tasking, event notification, or miscellaneous maintenance. Due to the limited resourc...
The MapReduce programming model simplifies large-scale data processing on commodity clusters by having users specify a map function that processes input key/value pairs to generate...
Local network coding is growing in prominence as a technique to facilitate greater capacity utilization in multi-hop wireless networks. A specific objective of such local network ...
Shravan K. Rayanchu, Sayandeep Sen, Jianming Wu, S...
Recent work demonstrates that directional antennas have significant potential to improve wireless network capacity in indoor environments. This paper provides a broader exploratio...
Xi Liu, Anmol Sheth, Michael Kaminsky, Konstantina...
Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN) are widely used in many applications, such as oceanic resource exploration, pollution monitoring, tsunami warnings and mine reconnaissance. In UW...