Embedded Peer-to-Peer Systems (EP2P) represent a new challenge in the development of software for distributed systems. The main objective of the SMEPP (Secure Middleware for Embed...
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology is now mature enough to be used in numerous application domains. However, due to the restricted amount of energy usually allocated to each...
Many efforts have been devoted to maximizing the network throughput with limited channel resources in multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks. It has been believed that t...
In a tree-based ZigBee network, ZigBee routers (ZRs) must schedule their beacon transmission times to avoid beacon collisions. The beacon schedule determines packet delivery laten...
Intrusion attempts due to self-propagating code are becoming an increasingly urgent problem, in part due to the homogeneous makeup of the internet. Recent advances in anomalybased...
Denver Dash, Branislav Kveton, John Mark Agosta, E...