A text retrieval method called the thematic geographical search method has been developed and applied to a Japanese encyclopedia called the World Encyclopædia. In this method, th...
In this demonstration we will examine the effectiveness of Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) methods in digital library interfaces. We will show how various types of informat...
In this paper, we describe the design and initial implementation of a geographic search engine prototype for Germany, based on a large crawl of the de domain. Geographic search en...
Alexander Markowetz, Yen-Yu Chen, Torsten Suel, Xi...
Continuous logging of a person’s geographical position is required for various “life-log” applications, such as memory aids, automatic blog generation, and life pattern analy...
Geographic information retrieval (GIR) is, as a branch of traditional information retrieval, a discipline that tries to enrich data with geographical information to make it suitab...