: The decycling number (G) of a graph G is the smallest number of vertices which can be removed from G so that the resultant graph contains no cycles. In this paper, we study the d...
The DAG-based task graph model has been found effective in scheduling for performance prediction and optimization of parallel applications. However the scheduling complexity and s...
Intrusion detection systems alert the system administrators of intrusions but, in most cases, do not provide details about which system events are relevant to the intrusion and ho...
Pushdown systems provide a natural model of software with recursive procedure calls. We provide a tool implementing an algorithm for computing the winning regions of a pushdown par...
The build system forms an indispensable part of any software project. It needs to evolve in parallel with the source code in order to build, test and install the software. Unfortu...
Bram Adams, Herman Tromp, Kris De Schutter, Wolfga...