Model transformation means converting an input model available at the beginning of the transformation process to an output model. A widely used approach to model transformation us...
We aim to specify program transformations in a declarative style, and then to generate executable program transformers from such specifications. Many transformations require non-t...
Ganesh Sittampalam, Oege de Moor, Ken Friis Larsen
: Model-checking is a way of testing the correctness of concurrent programs. To do so, a model of the program is proven to match properties and constraints specified by the progra...
Malan is a MApping LANguage that allows the generation of transformation programs by specifying a schema mapping between a source and target data schema. By working at the schema ...
RDT is a graphical formal modelling language in which the modeller works by constructing diagrams of the processes in their model which they then join together to form complete sy...