Abstract. Many programming languages have been developed and implemented for mobile code environments. They are typically quite expressive. But while security is an important aspec...
Mobile clients have unusual needs for sending and receiving multimedia data. The traditional client/server paradigm does not take into account variable network conditions; thus tr...
Approximately eighteen percent (18%) of babies born in New South Wales (NSW), Australia require special care or neonatal intensive care admission. Premature babies can be up to 17...
In previous work, a new approach called Open CSP (OCSP) was defined as a way of integrate information gathering and problem solving. Instead of collecting all variable values befor...
Public electronic displays can be used as an advertising medium when space is a scarce resource, and it is desirable to expose many adverts to as wide an audience as possible. Alth...
Terry R. Payne, Esther David, Nicholas R. Jennings...