Lightweight ontologies in the form of RDF vocabularies such as SIOC, FOAF, vCard, etc. are increasingly being used and exported by “serious” applications recently. Such vocabul...
Today, component oriented middlewares are used to design, develop and deploy distributed applications easily. They ensure the heterogeneity, interoperability, and reuse of software...
The development of Web Services has transformed the World Wide Web into a more application-aware information portal. The various standards ensure that Web Services are interpretabl...
Search has arguably become the dominant paradigm for finding information on the World Wide Web. In order to build a successful search engine, there are a number of challenges that ...
Mehran Sahami, Vibhu O. Mittal, Shumeet Baluja, He...
Open trading environments involve a type of peer-to-peer computing characterised by well-defined interaction protocols that are used by the traders and sometimes updated dynamicall...
Martin K. Purvis, Mariusz Nowostawski, Stephen Cra...