: The HCI community has long been accused of delivering ‘common sense’, ‘useless’ information, and to be ignorant of business needs. HCI experts are also criticized for fai...
The design and maintenance of an aero-engine generates a significant amount of documentation. When designing new engines, engineers must obtain knowledge gained from maintenance o...
Pooja Jadhav, Sylvia C. Wong, Gary B. Wills, Richa...
Today there is a number of established software development lifecycle models (SDLMs) supporting software development. Correct implementation of these models helps develop software...
Christina Wallin, Stig Larsson, Fredrik Ekdahl, Iv...
Dynamic evolution has been an essential requirement for more and more business systems which attempt to provide 7(days) x 24(hours) availability and flexible adaptability on the c...
Adoption of advanced automated SE (ASE) tools would be favored if a business case could be made that these tools are more valuable than alternate methods. In theory, software pred...
Tim Menzies, Oussama El-Rawas, Jairus Hihn, Martin...