While general-purpose processors have only recently employed chip multiprocessor (CMP) architectures, network processors (NPs) have used heterogeneous multi-core architectures sin...
Discovering topological motifs or common topologies in one or more graphs is an important as well as an interesting problem. It had been classically viewed as the subgraph isomorp...
The main goal of the motif finding problem is to detect novel, over-represented unknown signals in a set of sequences (e.g. transcription factor binding sites in a genome). The mo...
Chandan K. Reddy, Yao-Chung Weng, Hsiao-Dong Chian...
Background: The responses to interleukin 1 (IL-1) in human chondrocytes constitute a complex regulatory mechanism, where multiple transcription factors interact combinatorially to...
Standard MIDI files contain data that can be considered as a symbolic representation of music (a digital score), and most of them are structured as a number of tracks, one of them...