Abstract. The serialization constraints induced by the detection and enforcement of true data dependences have always been regarded as requirements for correct execution. We propos...
While lower supply voltage is effective for energy reduction, it suffers performance loss. To mitigate the loss, we propose to execute only the part, which does not have any influ...
During anesthesia, slow-wave sleep and quiet wakefulness, neuronal membrane potentials collectively switch between de- and hyperpolarized levels, the cortical UP and DOWN states. P...
Aman B. Saleem, Paul Chadderton, John Apergis-Scho...
Value prediction is a technique that breaks true data dependences by predicting the outcome of an instruction and speculatively executes its data-dependent instructions based on th...
With the availability of chip multiprocessor (CMP) and simultaneous multithreading (SMT) machines, extracting thread level parallelism from a sequential program has become crucial...