The adoption of advanced integration technologies that enable private and public organizations to seamlessly execute their business transactions electronically is still relatively...
Till Janner, Fenareti Lampathaki, Volker Hoyer, Sp...
Treebank formats and associated software tools are proliferating rapidly, with little consideration for interoperability. We survey a wide variety of treebank structures and opera...
This paper shows how to build a scalable, robust and efficient distributed Internet-scale RDF repository, that we name PAGE (Put And Get Everywhere). 1 Motivation In the recent yea...
Emanuele Della Valle, Andrea Turati, Alessandro Gh...
The goal of Digital Earth ( is to create a virtual representation of our planet that enables a person to explore and interact with the vast amounts of natural...
—In current multi-channel live P2P video systems, there are several fundamental performance problems including exceedingly-large channel switching delays, long playback lags, and...