The weak instance model is a framework to consider the relations in a database as a whole, regardless of the way attributes are grouped in the individual relations. Queries and upd...
Multi-instance (MI) learning is a variant of supervised learning where labeled examples consist of bags (i.e. multi-sets) of feature vectors instead of just a single feature vecto...
This paper addresses the training of classification trees for weakly labelled data. We call ”weakly labelled data”, a training set such as the prior labelling information pro...
We address the verification problem of finite-state concurrent programs running under weak memory models. These models capture the reordering of program (read and write) operation...
Ahmed Bouajjani, Madanlal Musuvathi, Mohamed Faouz...
Pedestrian detection in still image should handle the large appearance and stance variations arising from the articulated structure, various clothing of human as well as viewpoints...