Dynamic Miss-Countingalgorithms are proposed, which find all implication and similarity rules with confidence pruning but without support pruning. To handle data sets with a large...
Shinji Fujiwara, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Rajeev Motwani
The Web can be naturally modeled as a directed graph, consisting of a set of abstract nodes (the pages) joined by directional edges (the hyperlinks). Hyperlinks encode a considerab...
Many data mining techniques are these days in use for ontology learning – text mining, Web mining, graph mining, link analysis, relational data mining, and so on. In the current ...
Automatic extraction of semantic information from text and links in Web pages is key to improving the quality of search results. However, the assessment of automatic semantic meas...
Ana Gabriela Maguitman, Filippo Menczer, Heather R...
Keyword indices, topic directories, and link-based rankings are used to search and structure the rapidly growing Web today. Surprisingly little use is made of years of browsing ex...