Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) is becoming the industrial standard for modeling web service-based business processes. Behavioral compatibility for web ...
Improving the precision of information retrieval has been a challenging issue on Chinese Web. As exemplified by Chinese recipes on the Web, it is not easy/natural for people to us...
Ranking methods like PageRank assess the importance of Web pages based on the current state of the rapidly evolving Web graph. The dynamics of the resulting importance scores, how...
Klaus Berberich, Srikanta J. Bedathur, Michalis Va...
Let G be a connected graph, suppose that v is a vertex of G, and denote the subgraph formed from G by deleting vertex v by G \ v. Denote the algebraic connectivities of G and G \ ...
We present an algorithm for mining tree-shaped patterns in a large graph. Novel about our class of patterns is that they can contain constants, and can contain existential nodes w...