The emergence of applications domains such as pervasive and autonomic computing has increased the need for customisation and dynamic adaptation of both distributed systems, and th...
Paul Grace, Eddy Truyen, Bert Lagaisse, Wouter Joo...
Reflective middleware provides an effective way to support adaptation in distributed systems. However, as distributed systems become increasingly complex, certain drawbacks of the...
Bholanathsingh Surajbali, Geoff Coulson, Phil Gree...
Abstract. This paper describes a Java-based communication middleware, called AspectJRMI, that applies aspect-oriented programming concepts to achieve the following requirements: (1...
Marco Tulio de Oliveira Valente, Fabio Tirelo, Dia...
Dynamic Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) technologies typically provide coarse-grained mechanisms for adapting aspects that cross-cut a system deployment; i.e. whole aspect module...
Paul Grace, Bert Lagaisse, Eddy Truyen, Wouter Joo...
Abstract. Aspect oriented programming brings us new design perspectives since it permits the superimpositions of multiple abstraction models on top of one another. It is a very pow...