Despite a burgeoning demand for parallel programs, the tools available to developers working on shared-memory multicore processors have lagged behind. One reason for this is the l...
Marek Olszewski, Qin Zhao, David Koh, Jason Ansel,...
Programs written in type-unsafe languages such as C and C++ incur costly memory errors that result in corrupted data structures, program crashes, and incorrect results. We present...
Karthik Pattabiraman, Vinod Grover, Benjamin G. Zo...
Main memory is responsible for a large and increasing fraction of the energy consumed by servers. Prior work has focused on exploiting DRAM low-power states to conserve energy. Ho...
Qingyuan Deng, David Meisner, Luiz E. Ramos, Thoma...
Dynamic binary translators (DBTs) are becoming increasingly important because of their power and flexibility. However, the high memory demands of DBTs present an obstacle for all ...
This work extends the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for working on dynamic environments. We propose an evaporation mechanism to solve the outdated memory problem. We...