To achieve complex missions an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operating in dynamic environments must have and maintain situational awareness. This can be achieved by cont...
We describe ongoing work on I2I, a system aimed at fostering opportunistic communication among users viewing or manipulating content on the Web and in productivity applications. U...
Jay Budzik, Shannon Bradshaw, Xiaobin Fu, Kristian...
Indirect input techniques allow users to quickly access all parts of tabletop workspaces without the need for physical access; however, indirect techniques restrict the available ...
David Pinelle, Mutasem Barjawi, Miguel A. Nacenta,...
— During codesign of a system, one still runs into the impedance mismatch between the software and hardware worlds. er identifies the different levels of abstraction of hardware...
Philippe Faes, Mark Christiaens, Dries Buytaert, D...
A problem faced by groups that are not co-located but need to collaborate on a common task is the reduced access to the rich multimodal communicative context that they would have ...
Paulo Barthelmess, Edward C. Kaiser, Xiao Huang, D...