Future high-end computers will offer great performance improvements over today’s machines, enabling applications of far greater complexity. However, designers must solve the cha...
Guang R. Gao, Kevin B. Theobald, Ziang Hu, Haiping...
The use of quality information for multilevel speaker recognition systems is addressed in this contribution. From a definition of what constitutes a quality measure, two applicati...
Developing an optimizing compiler for a newly proposed architecture is extremely difficult when there is only a simulator of the machine available. Designing such a compiler requ...
John Cavazos, Christophe Dubach, Felix V. Agakov, ...
Minimum Error Rate Training (MERT) and Minimum Bayes-Risk (MBR) decoding are used in most current state-of-theart Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems. The algorithms wer...
Shankar Kumar, Wolfgang Macherey, Chris Dyer, Fran...
Voicemail has become an integral part of our personal and professional communication. The number of messages that accumulate in our voice mailboxes necessitate new ways of priorit...