Sparse matrices are first class objects in many VHLLs (very high level languages) used for scientific computing. They are a basic building block for various numerical and combinat...
Much effort in register transfer level (RTL) design has been devoted to developing "push-button" types of tools. However, given the highly complex nature, and lack of con...
—As sensor networks are finding widespread use across many applications, designers increasingly must not only focus on application development, but also on sensor network optimiz...
Jeff Hiner, Ashish Shenoy, Roman L. Lysecky, Susan...
The quality of a statistical machine translation (SMT) system is heavily dependent upon the amount of parallel sentences used in training. In recent years, there have been several...
In the e-age, internet and e-affairs are the composite blend of business process and technology; the organization must retain the state of computing system or risk malicious assau...