The Google search engine uses a method called PageRank, together with term-based and other ranking techniques, to order search results returned to the user. PageRank uses link ana...
The success of schema integration in multidatabase systems relies heavily on the determination of complete and refined correspondence relationships between them. So, the candidate...
The science of complexity is based on a new way of thinking that stands in sharp contrast to the philosophy underlying Newtonian science, which is based on reductionism, determinis...
Francis Heylighen, Paul Cilliers, Carlos Gershenso...
Traditional adaptive hypermedia systems have focused on providing adaptation functionality on a closed corpus, while Web search interfaces have delivered non-personalized informati...
Peter Dolog, Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl, Michael...
Abstract. In this paper, we present a constraint-partitioning approach for finding local optimal solutions of large-scale mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems (MINLPs). Ba...