One vision of a context-aware pervasive networking environment promises the user a seamless access to surrounding services using her personal mobile device. This requires that the...
Perhaps the most fundamental application of affective computing would be Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in which the computer is able to detect and track the user’s affective ...
Zhihong Zeng, Jilin Tu, Ming Liu, Tong Zhang, Nich...
Abstract. Emotion recognition from facial images is a very active research topic in human computer interaction (HCI). However, most of the previous approaches only focus on the fro...
People have trusted in face-to-face interaction more than any other modes of interactions to develop relationships and as a result of which one of the most concerned problem that ...
How do we build multiagent algorithms for agent interactions with human adversaries? Stackelberg games are natural models for many important applications that involve human intera...