Market players that can respond to critical business events faster than their competitors will end up as winners in the fast moving economy. Event-based systems have been develope...
Szabolcs Rozsnyai, Roland Vecera, Josef Schiefer, ...
This paper proposes a new variant of the task allocation problem, where the agents are connected in a social network and tasks arrive at the agents distributed over the network. W...
Recognizing and annotating the occurrence of team actions in observations of embodied agents has applications in surveillance and in training of military or sport teams. We descri...
Linus J. Luotsinen, Hans Fernlund, Ladislau Bö...
We present a deterministic logspace algorithm for solving S-T Connectivity on directed graphs if (i) we are given a stationary distribution of the random walk on the graph in whic...
We consider the real-world problem of extending a given infrastructure network in order to connect new customers. By representing the infrastructure by a single root node, this pro...