UNIX-derived operating systems have traditionally have a simplistic approach to process synchronization which is unsuited to multiprocessor application. Initial FreeBSD SMP suppor...
A new tool for computing and visualizing the operation of power system components and systems is presented. One component of the tool is a time domain simulator that operates in t...
A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George J. Cokkinides, Ben...
Today, most cooperative systems support primarily either asynchronous or synchronous (real time) cooperative work. We feel that both synchronous and asynchronous cooperation are e...
Traditional cooperative communications can improve communication reliability. However, the simultaneous transmissions from multiple relays are challenging in practice due to the i...
- Wireless systems operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band and sharing the same environment in an industrial environment are likely to interfere with each other due to simultan...
Muhammad Kamran Khan, Ahmad Ali Tabassam, Farhan A...