Background: Comparative analysis of gene expression profiling of multiple biological categories, such as different species of organisms or different kinds of tissue, promises to e...
Wensheng Zhang, Andrea Edwards, Wei Fan, Dongxiao ...
Abstract: Intelligence and Knowledge play more and more important roles in building complex intelligent systems, for instance, intrusion detection systems, and operational analysis...
TCP throughput prediction is an important capability in wide area overlay and multi-homed networks where multiple paths may exist between data sources and receivers. In this paper...
Mariyam Mirza, Joel Sommers, Paul Barford, Xiaojin...
Abstract Colin Campbell, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Lev Nachmanson, Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann, and Margus Veanes Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA Abstract. We describe a pract...
Colin Campbell, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Lev Nachmanson...