Classification is a core task in knowledge discovery and data mining, and there has been substantial research effort in developing sophisticated classification models. In a parall...
Ariel Fuxman, Anitha Kannan, Andrew B. Goldberg, R...
The Web is rapidly moving towards a platform for mass collaboration in content production and consumption from three screens: computers, mobile phones, and TVs. While there has be...
Yih-Farn Chen, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, David C. Gib...
Searching and extracting meaningful information out of highly heterogeneous datasets is a hot topic that received a lot of attention. However, the existing solutions are based on e...
In this paper, we present a semi-automatic approach to efficiently and robustly recover the characteristic feature curves of a given free-form surface. The technique supports a s...
Ellen Dekkers, Leif Kobbelt, Richard R. Pawlicki, ...
We attack the problem of user fatigue by using an interactive genetic algorithm to evolve user interfaces in the XUL interface definition language. The interactive genetic algori...
Juan C. Quiroz, Sushil J. Louis, Sergiu M. Dascalu