The Bag-of-visual Words (BoW) image representation has been applied for various problems in the fields of multimedia and computer vision. The basic idea is to represent images as ...
Shiliang Zhang, Qi Tian, Gang Hua, Qingming Huang,...
With the rise of cloud computing, it is increasingly attractive for end-users (organizations and individuals) to outsource the management of their data to a small number of larges...
Daniel Fabbri, Arnab Nandi, Kristen LeFevre, H. V....
This paper pursues the recently emerging paradigm of searching for entities that are embedded in Web pages. We utilize informationextraction techniques to identify entity candidat...
Julia Stoyanovich, Srikanta J. Bedathur, Klaus Ber...
Large search engines process thousands of queries per second on billions of pages, making query processing a major factor in their operating costs. This has led to a lot of resear...
Background: Keyword searching through PubMed and other systems is the standard means of retrieving information from Medline. However, ad-hoc retrieval systems do not meet all of t...
Graham L. Poulter, Daniel L. Rubin, Russ B. Altman...