Here we present PaperSpace a computer vision based document management system that allows users to combine paper and digital documents. Using PaperSpace users can locate paper cop...
Jeff Smith, Jeremy Long, Tanya Lung, Mohd M. Anwar...
In this work, we create an audio-video link via an interactive sculpture to facilitate casual, sociable communication between two remote spaces. This communication installation wa...
Many algorithms and data structures employing hashing have been analyzed under the uniform hashing assumption, i.e., the assumption that hash functions behave like truly random fu...
Abstract—Based on information theoretic tools, a new spectrum sensing method is proposed in this paper to detect vacant sub-bands in the radio spectrum1 . Specifically, based on...
We describe how we implemented the avatars we use to represent users in LivingSpace, our implementation of the Living Worlds standard for multi-user distributed VRML worlds. Livin...