Abstract-- Multicore microprocessors have been largely motivated by the diminishing returns in performance and the increased power consumption of single-threaded ILP microprocessor...
Matthew Curtis-Maury, Karan Singh, Sally A. McKee,...
1 We have constructed a team of intelligent agents that perform the tasks of an attack helicopter company for a synthetic battlefield environment used for running largescale milita...
Randall W. Hill Jr., Johnny Chen, Jonathan Gratch,...
Background: Systematic reviews address a specific clinical question by unbiasedly assessing and analyzing the pertinent literature. Citation screening is a time-consuming and crit...
Byron C. Wallace, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Joseph Lau...
Background: Reliable prediction of antibody, or B-cell, epitopes remains challenging yet highly desirable for the design of vaccines and immunodiagnostics. A correlation between a...
Julia V. Ponomarenko, Huynh-Hoa Bui, Wei Li, Nicho...
Background: Keyword searching through PubMed and other systems is the standard means of retrieving information from Medline. However, ad-hoc retrieval systems do not meet all of t...
Graham L. Poulter, Daniel L. Rubin, Russ B. Altman...