In the classical database world, information access has been based on a paradigm that involves structured, schema-aware, queries and tabular answers. In the current environment, h...
There has been much recent interest in on-line data mining. Existing mining algorithms designed for stored data are either not applicable or not effective on data streams, where r...
— In large Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), each hop might incur varying delays due to medium access contention, transmission and computation delays. Fast and efficient query re...
Xiaoming Lu, Matt Spear, Karl N. Levitt, Norman S....
Multiple dispatch – the selection of a function to be invoked based on the dynamic type of two or more arguments – is a solution to several classical problems in object-orient...
Peter Pirkelbauer, Yuriy Solodkyy, Bjarne Stroustr...
Abstract. An algorithm to detect invisible relevant persons in a homogeneous social network is studied with computer simulation. The network is effective as a model for contempora...