Pinpoint is a promising first step towards using a rich model of task context in proactive and dynamic IR systems. Pinpoint allows a user to navigate decision tree representations...
Larry Birnbaum, Wallace J. Hopp, Seyed M. R. Irava...
The support of process enactment through the use of workflow management systems has gained considerable attention within the last few years. We develop a classification framework c...
Efforts toward automated detection and identification of multistep cyber attack scenarios would benefit significantly from a methodology and language for modeling such scenario...
Operational models of (security) protocols, on one hand, are readable and conveniently match their implementation (at a certain abstraction level). Epistemic models, on the other h...
Francien Dechesne, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Simona O...
Abstract: Traceability is a prerequisite for managing the evolution of (software) systems. Assuring overall traceability of a system development process, i.e., capturing and interr...