Photorealistic image synthesis is a computationally demanding task that relies on ray tracing for the evaluation of integrals. Rendering time is dominated by tracing long paths th...
Holger Dammertz, Johannes Hanika, Alexander Keller
The wide availability of commodity graphics processors has made real-time graphics an intrinsic component of the human/computer interface. These graphics cores accelerate the z-bu...
We present a novel approach to ray tracing execution on commodity graphics hardware using CUDA. We decompose
a standard ray tracing algorithm into several data-parallel stages tha...
High fidelity rendering via ray tracing requires tracing incoherent rays for global illumination and other secondary effects. Recent research show that the performance benefits fr...
This paper presents a ray tracer that facilitates near-interactive scene editing with incremental rendering; the user can edit the scene both by manipulating objects and by changin...