Alice wants to prove that she is young enough to borrow money from her bank, without revealing her age. She therefore needs a tool for proving that a committed number lies in a spe...
Assembly is an NP-Hard problem, which involves comparing fragments that have a time complexity of O(n2 ). This paper presents a parallel approach for sequence assembly. The parall...
Sara Nasser, Adrienne Breland, Frederick C. Harris...
The Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has been an active research area. Given a collection of images, it is to retrieve the images based on a query image, which is specified by...
An identity-based signcryption scheme with (t, n) shared unsigncryption is proposed, which is the integration of the signcryption scheme, the (t, n) threshold scheme and zero know...
Since the turn of the millenium, Working Groups of the W3C have been concentrating on the development of XML based security standards, which are paraphrased as XML Security. XML S...
Andreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Mark...