Active cameras provide a mobile robot with the capability to fixate and track features over a wide field of view. However, their use emphasises serial attention focussing on a succ...
The appearance of non-rigid objects detected and tracked in video streams is highly variable and therefore makes the identification of similar objects very complex. Furthermore, i...
This paper presents an adaptive discriminative generative model that generalizes the conventional Fisher Linear Discriminant algorithm and renders a proper probabilistic interpret...
Ruei-Sung Lin, David A. Ross, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hs...
I propose a notion of visual information as the complexity not of the raw images, but of the images after the effects of nuisance factors such as viewpoint and illumination are dis...
This paper develops an efficient new method for 3D partial shape retrieval. First, a Monte Carlo sampling strategy is employed to extract local shape signatures from each 3D model...