Standard concurrency control mechanisms offer a trade-off: Transactional memory approaches maximize concurrency, but suffer high overheads and cost for retrying in the case of act...
Yannis Smaragdakis, Anthony Kay, Reimer Behrends, ...
Function precedence protocols define ordering relations among function calls in a program. In some instances, precedence protocols are well-understood (e.g., a call to pthread mut...
A shared data structure is lock-free if its operations do not require mutual exclusion. If one process is interrupted in the middle of an operation, other processes will not be pr...
Compared with lock-based synchronization techniques, Software Transactional Memory (STM) can significantly improve the programmability of multithreaded applications. Existing res...
Advanced Synchronization Facility (ASF) is an AMD64 hardware extension for lock-free data structures and transactional memory. It provides a speculative region that atomically exec...
Jae-Woong Chung, Luke Yen, Stephan Diestelhorst, M...