The physical properties of color are usually described by their spectra, eigenvector expansions or low-dimensional descriptors such as RGB or CIE-Lab. In the first part of the pap...
I modify the standard coverage construction of the reals to obtain the irrationals. However, this causes a jump in ordinal complexity from ω + 1 to Ω. The coverage technique ha...
Isometric surfaces share the same geometric structure also known as the `first fundamental form'. For example, all possible bending of a given surface, that include all lengt...
This paper addresses the problem of computing visual hulls from image contours. We propose a new hybrid approach which overcomes the precision-complexity trade-off inherent to vox...
Abstract. In Computer Vision applications, one usually has to work with uncertain data. It is therefore important to be able to deal with uncertain geometry and uncertain transform...
Christian Perwass, Christian Gebken, Gerald Sommer