Though Twitter acts as a realtime news source with people acting as sensors and sending event updates from all over the world, rumors spread via Twitter have been noted to cause c...
Online feedback-based rating systems are gaining popularity. Dealing with collaborative unfair ratings in such systems has been recognized as an important but difficult problem. T...
Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Steven Kay, Qing Yang
Many reputation management systems have been developed under the assumption that each entity in the system will use a variant of the same scoring function. Much of the previous wo...
William Conner, Arun Iyengar, Thomas A. Mikalsen, ...
—We propose SocialFilter, a trust-aware collaborative spam mitigation system. Our proposal enables nodes with no email classification functionality to query the network on wheth...
Abstract—Complex networks consisting of humans and software services, such as Web-based social and collaborative environments, typically require flexible and context-based inter...