We investigate the notion of an execution architecture in the setting of the program algebra PGA, and distinguish two sorts of these: analytic architectures, designed for the purp...
Recent experimental progress in DNA lattice construction, DNA robotics, and DNA computing provides the basis for designing DNA cellular computing devices, i.e. autonomous nano-mech...
Peng Yin, Sudheer Sahu, Andrew J. Turberfield, Joh...
Abstract. We distill Penrose’s argument against the “artificial intelligence premiss”, and analyze its logical alternatives. We then clarify the different positions one can...
We present a directed Markov random field (MRF) model that combines n-gram models, probabilistic context free grammars (PCFGs) and probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) fo...
Shaojun Wang, Shaomin Wang, Russell Greiner, Dale ...
Following Lutz’s approach to effective (constructive) dimension, we define a notion of dimension for individual sequences based on Schnorr’s concept(s) of randomness. In contr...