Abstract. Photo-realistic rendering algorithms such as Monte Carlo ray tracing sample individual paths to compute images. Noise and aliasing artefacts are usually reduced by supers...
Abstract. In the past, some information technologies (IT) have quickly been adopted by the engineering practice while the implementation of others has been slower. In the paper, th...
Abstract. In this paper we present an efficient technique to obtain accurate semantic classification on the pixel level capable of integrating various modalities, such as color, ed...
Stefan Kluckner, Thomas Mauthner, Peter M. Roth, H...
This paper presents a methodology for using heuristic search methods to optimise cancer chemotherapy. Specifically, two evolutionary algorithms - Population Based Incremental Lear...
Andrei Petrovski, Siddhartha Shakya, John A. W. Mc...
Low Power is an extremely important issue for future mobile radio systems. Channel decoders are essential building blocks of base-band signal processing units in mobile terminal ar...